Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Two Alpha Males

Mr. B. is a big, strong, HANDSOME, sexy, masculine firefighter.
Louie is 12 pounds of mischievous, adorable, spoiled-rotten, white cotton-candy fluff.
Long before Mr. B. and I got married I adopted Louie. He had been on a kill list at a Missouri puppy mill because he had a birth defect which meant he couldn't be bred or sold (puppy mills are evil). Arizona Cocker Rescue did just as their name says and rescued him, and a bunch of other dogs (LOVE Arizona Cocker Rescue). I adopted him from them when he was just a couple months old.
Louie does not like men, especially men who I dated. Louie doesn't always like my female friends. Louie thinks small children are evil. Louie HATES when people come into our home. The maintenance men in my town home were terrified of him and refused to come inside unless he was locked in his kennel. He's very protective of his mamma, and I was worried about the potential for WW III or Armageddon ensuing when my tall, manly Alpha male and tiny terror of alpha-wanna-be met. Little did I know that I was marrying my very own Dog Whisperer.
I don't know how it happened, but they are best buds. Louie's life is only complete when he can sit on the couch with both of us, but if I am not around he is just as happy cuddling with Mr. B.

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