Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Summary

Things I have not loved this week:
  1. Being sick (no voice, sore throat, sneezing and coughing).
  2. Sudden cold weather and accompanying worry about the garden.

Things I have loved this week:

  1. Mr. B's determination to pamper me back to health (i.e. cuddles on the couch, running to the store for herbal tea and lemons, keeping the vapor mister going, making yummy and nutritious meals, and forcing massive amounts of Vitamin C down my throat).
  2. Waking up one morning while Mr. B was at work to find that Louie had jumped into bed and was cuddling with me by practically laying on my face.
  3. Seeing Mr. B's 5-year-old kick butt at her tournament and qualify for Nationals.
  4. Getting to be part of a ground breaking project at work, which could revolutionarize the way we do attachment work with teens.
  5. Having lunch with my trainer from the mission. LOVE HER!
  6. Peach herbal tea with honey.
  7. Sleeping in and spending all day in my pj's.
  8. Spending $125 on groceries and saving $89.67.
  9. Having an amazing mother-in-law who is teaching me about coupons, sales and other money saving endeavors.
  10. Knowing that after I post this I am going to take a nap :).
  11. Having an amazing hubby who understands that he might not see me much for the next two weeks (because of the ground breaking project at work), but is supportive because he understands how much it means to me!

I love weeks where the good stuff completely out-weighs the bad.

1 comment:

jenny.hawkes said...

Hope you feel better soon! Good luck with the project at work. So proud of you for what you are doing with/for those kids. Love you!!

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