Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hello Again!

I haven't posted in FOREVER! So much has happened and it is a little overwhelming to think of all of the updates I need to give. Life has been crazy busy. An overview of all of our happenings since my last post:
  • I had my first birthday as a married woman. Mr. B. spoiled me and helped make it very special. Best gift--a long overdue haircut and color! Thanks babe :).
  • Mr. B. and I went to Washington DC for the donation. He was a match for a 34 year old man with Non-Hodkins Lymphoma. They gave him shots for 5 days and then harvested stem cells from his blood stream. They hooked him up to this amazingly complex machine: Then filtered all of the blood in his body about three times, and got the 7 million stemcells they needed, plus 300,000 extra. We find out in 6 months whether the procedure worked for the recipient, and in a year we can all meet if both parties want to. The procedure was a little harder than we expected, with a lot of bone and joint pain. The worst, though, was the nausea. Nausea+very turbulent flight home=not a fun trip for my honey. We did get to see a few of the places on our DC wish list while he was still feeling decent.
  • We drove to Phoenix and picked up Mr. B.'s daughter for the summer. She is the cutest girl on the face of the earth. Unfortunately you'll have to take my word for it cause I won't post pictures of her unless I make my blog private. But she truly is wonderful to have around.
  • While in Phoenix we stayed with one of my dearest friends and got to catch up with her and her family. Her husband and mine became instant friends, which makes future visits a delightful thing to look forward to. Thanks Jen and Jake!
  • Mr. B. was deployed to the Wallow fire in Arizona for 7 days. He helped protect homes in Springerville and Greer, and came home sexily scruffy and smelling like a giant campfire. We washed his clothes three times to get the smell and dirt out! He was even on the news that night.
  • The smoke from the Wallow fire made it's way all the way to ABQ, we could see and smell it. The sunsets were amazing, though.
  • The day he got deployed, my amazing mother-in-law drove late into the night to come stay with me and her grandaughter while Mr. B. was gone. She was a life, and sanity, saver!
  • The Elmo Caravan spent the night last night on their trek from Oklahoma to Phoenix! Spending time with their little Nugget made me slightly baby hungry!

I think that brings everyone up to date. It's been a busy month, no wonder I'm tired!