Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Best Wedding Present EVER

Mr. B. and I got married December 23rd. We got married in a state few people had even heard of, let alone been to. Because of the timing, location and short notice many of our friends were unable to be there, so we had a post-wedding party in Arizona. It was so fun to see so many of our friends!
Some of my old roommates decided to give us the best wedding present ever given in the history of wedding presents. Filled with adventure, word-play, and unmentionables, it started with:

And progressed to:

Followed by:

And then:

(Yes, those are BUNNY EARS on my head)

The little piece of paper in my hand is what takes it from "good" to "great":

(It wasn't until we got home that I noticed on the back of the card was written "Thunderball. he he he". I doubled over in laughter and immediately called Christina, only able to choke out "Thunderball" through my giggles. )
With encouragement, I discovered that the box had a false bottom which led to this:
There was more in there, but there were children present and I was already having a hard enough time explaining why someone would give us a pink feather boa as a wedding present, thus it will have to be left up to your imagination. Though I will tell you there was a little black bowtie as well as the James Bond toy gun. Let's just say that this is one gift for which I will not be following proper etiquette when I write the thank you note...I will not be sharing how we are using the gift ;).
These are the culprits, though, and their faces are filled with pure gleeful delight.

1 comment:

Lacy said...

Blurg! I want to know the rest of the things!

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