Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Garden Time!

Mr. Bond and I decided that we wanted to plant a garden. Mr. Bond, firefighter extraordinaire, started by strapping a giant blow-torch type contraption to his back with which he incinerated all unwanted weedage from the yard. He enjoyed this so much that he now roams the neighborhood "volunteering" to burn any tumbleweeds that have dared blow in. We then spent an entire day digging up the giant boulders which seemed to spontaneously reproduce. We mixed in two flats worth of organic mulches, and finally planted our cold weather plants.
They all seem to be doing well except the lettuce. We are hoping that will perk up soon, but in the meantime, the invading rabbit which snacked on some cabbage had a good laugh. The trees, which are in pots in the garage until all chance of frost has passed, have started to bud. One of the apple trees even has it's first blossom.
My peony bulbs are inside, though. They are in a pot by the back door, and on nice days I carry them outside for fresh air and sunshine. On bad days they get moved around the house to catch any bit of sun coming in through the windows. I play Strauss for them while I am at work, and read them a bedtime story every night (well, maybe I am not quite that crazy. But close, very close.) My grandparents had peony's in their yard, and they have been my favorite flower since I was little. I can't bring all of my favorite parts of Kansas into the desert with me, but I am hoping to have this small bit of the Midwest. One bulb is thriving and already has a bud, and the other broke through the soil two days ago (turns out, it took so long because I planted it upside down). Persistent little thing, huh? I credit our regular bedtime reading of "The Little Engine That Could".
*One last note, Mr. Bond is at work tonight and I had a list of things I was going to get done around the house in order to suprise him. I have accomplised NONE of it because of this blog and my determination to upload pictures to this post. It's been a difficult thing to figure out. If there aren't pictures then I just gave up and went to bed. I need a blogger tutor.


Christina said...

I love the garden! You need a fence around it! An awesome, multi-colored fence!

Lacy said...

Peter Rabbit came to your garden?! That's how you know it's good! Remember when I thought he lived in the laundry room at Margo Manor?

Lacy said...

Also, forget the uploading of pictures. Takes all day and then they take forever to load. I keep all mine on flikr then just copy and paste the code. Boom. Page loads immediately. Pictures look exactly the size you want.

Tina said...

Lacy-That is brilliant! I will try that, cause the whole uploading process was just ridiculous! And I think he did live in the laundry room. Something did, anyway, and I prefer to think it was a cute cuddly bunny :).

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