Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have an apology to make to all my friends and family who suffer from allergies. I will admit, I have always secretly thought that you made them a bigger deal than they should be. I will not tell you the thoughts I had about your ability to tolerate a little discomfort. Please understand, I am allergic to mangoes, but other than being sad because I like them, it hasn't inconvenienced my life unduly. Today I went to the Dr. because I have been convinced for the past three weeks that I had a sinus infection and hoped it would go away on it's own. It didn't, so I broke down, called the Dr., and was convinced I would walk out with a prescription. Imagine my chagrin when I was told that I am allergic to something in the air. Impossible, I thought, that allergies could produce this level of pain and discomfort. I thought seasonal allergies were all about itchy eyes and sneezing, not sinus pressure, ear ache, overwhelming fatigue and coughing. I was so impressed with my fortitude to keep functioning when I thought it was a massive infection taking over my poor sinuses, but now I feel deflated. There is no glory in soldiering through allergies. There can be no sense of accomplishment in something so mundane. So, I tell myself to suck it up (not literally, there is too much phlegm involved for that), and warn my friends without allergies to be cautious in how they secretly (or not so secretly) judge those who do--Karma has a vicious sense of humor.


jenny.hawkes said...

Poor baby! I hope whatever it is stops blooming so you can go back to being your usual, non-snuffly/flemmy self.

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me. I used to think people who had little headaches and called them "migraines" were wimps. I used to think people who had allergies were wimps.
I started getting migraines in pregnancy and now suffer from allergies. I totally repented.
Hope they gave you something for your allergies! I have like 3 drugs for them now. They help. I know a good allergist in SF. He's amazing.

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